Could some one please explain why D is the correct answer choice ?

Although parapsychology is often considered a pseudoscience, it is in fact a genuine scientific enterprise, for it uses scientific methods such as controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stated hypotheses to examine the questions it raises.

The conclusion above is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?

(A) If a field of study can conclusively answer the questions it raises, then it is a genuine science.
(B) Since parapsychology uses scientific methods, it will produce credible results.
(C) Any enterprise that does not use controlled experiments and statistical tests is not genuine science.
(D) Any field of study that employs scientific methods is a genuine scientific enterprise.
(E) Since parapsychology raises clearly statable questions, they can be tested in controlled experiments.

Beginner Asked on February 11, 2017 in Critical Reasoning.
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1 Answer(s)

What is the argument saying?

Parapsychology uses scientific methods –> Parapsychology is a genuine science.

Assumption connects the premise to the conclusion. Note that we have concluded it is a genuine based on the fact that it uses scientific methods.

Which answer option connects the two? Option D.

Expert Answered on February 12, 2017.
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