Sentence correction problem

Critics say that the government had fallen in the recent election because it had announced higher tax rates and allowed the prices of essential commodities to soar unchecked last year.


  1. had fallen in the recent election because it had announced higher tax rates and allowed
  2. fell out of favor in the recent election because it announced higher tax rates and allowed
  3. fell out of favor in the recent election because it had announced higher tax rates and allowed
  4. had fallen in the recent election because it announced higher tax rates and allowed
  5. had fallen in the recent election because it had announced higher tax rates and had allowed

Why is 4 the correct answer choice? Need an explanation

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2 Answer(s)

Past Perfect Tense is used in case of 2 events such that the event that takes place first is in simple past tense and the one after it is in past perfect.

Here, the govt announced higher tax first and then the prices fell , thus the order.

Beginner Answered on January 3, 2017.
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I have submitted the problem for review. Thanks

Expert Answered on January 3, 2017.
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