MBA ApplicationsResearch Phase

Achieving the MBA Dream Without the CAT

Plan A Plan B

Hello and welcome to this session of Wednesday Wisdom. Since the CAT results are out, a lot of students have come and asked me, “I didn’t do as well on CAT, is there anything else that I can do?”.


One thing that I advise to students and that I would be advising to you is – you really have to think about what you want to do apart from CAT? For the last 3 – 4 months, you’re studying for CAT, but really, is CAT you objective in life? CAT is not the objective right? Your objective  in life at a larger level is to do something productive, do something meaningful, do something with your talent and potential.


In order to maximise the talent and potential, you have chosen to do an MBA. From step 2, you boil down to step 1 and then in order to do an MBA, step zero was the CAT. Assume, CAT is not there, try to think of another way to get to step 1.


One advice that I have for everyone is please, do look at GMAT. One thing that people don’t realize is GMAT is used for Indian B-schools. For example T.A. Pai Manipal is accepting people through GMAT. We have great one year programs such as Great Lakes, we have programs such as ISB – ISB is in fact open to freshers, they have something known as the Early Entry Option, where freshers can apply and get an admit. We also have the great global schools.


And another myth is, “We need 4-5 years of experience.” – not true. Most of these schools are more than happy to take people with even 2 to 3 years of experience as long as there is something that they have to offer to the incoming class.


This is where I really want you to think. Don’t worry about CAT, focus on step 1 which is really to get a great MBA and for that I would request that you consider taking the GMAT.

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