Adv Q 141

Under high pressure and intense heat, graphite, the most stable form of pure carbon, changes into the substance commonly referred to as diamond and remaining this way whether or not the heat and pressure are removed.

A. remaining this way whether or not

B. remaining like that even as

C. remaining as such whether or not

D. remains in this way although

E. remains thus even when


POC : IIism  -> remains fit the best a,b,c out

Out of D and E

remains so/thus  even when …

E is better than D and opt E .

Can go for D if E was having some flaw.

My doubt in pin pointing error/flaw  with D.

although -> seems to be causing issue but i am not able to give words to my doubts.   Experts can you provide explanation.

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1 Answer(s)

Another point apart from the parallelism problem:  Whether or not is redundant.

D uses the word “although” which is used for contrast.

Even when the teacher was in the class, the students were unruly.

Irrespective of whether the teacher is in the class, the students behave unruly. Here there is no need for the teacher to be present – they would still be unruly.

Although the teacher was in the class, the students were unruly.

In this case, we are saying that THOUGH the teacher is present in the class, the students are still unruly.

However, instead of using that logic, I would pick the phrase “in this way” as the reason for elimination. In what way? We use “this” as an adjective to point out to something specific i.e. I want *this* pen. So it is unclear what “in this way” means.





Expert Answered on August 1, 2017.
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