Advanced Doc(Retired GMAT Prep) SC Q 303

Simply because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for
plants to become an invasive according to a decade-long study published in the journal
A. because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for
plants to
B. because it is genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to
C. being genetically engineered does not make it any more likely that plants will
D. being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to
E. being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely that it will

OA is D and I chose the same. But, it was more like a guess between D & B.

Explanation for B is given that usage of pronoun before intended subject is incorrect. Is this rule always correct ?

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“because it is genetically engineered” is a subordinate clause. You cannot treat it as a subject — this is what is done in option B.

Expert Answered on May 2, 2017.
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