Advanced SC doc Q22

23 Answer(s)

Hi Amit,

‘Possible’ in non-underline stmt … and may in underline stmt … – its shows redundancy…. So Option A, B and C is out……

Option D: parallelism problem… Melting of polar ice caps and seal level that are rising…

Melting (Gerund) noun in +ing form…. where as rising is verb… so not parallel…

Option E: Correct… Melting of (noun)…… and a rise in (noun)….

Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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Note that the part “the gradual warming…climate” is between commas, so it can be dropped and we can read remaining sentence.

The sentence starts with word “Possible” making “may”  redundant. So we can eliminate A B C
And in D melting the polar ice cap is wrong.
Leave answer E
Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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Here is a quick way to differentiate between a gerund and a participle. 

Since a participle is a verb form, it would still make sense even if the tense of the participle is being changed. 
Ex : I am walking 100 km a day – This can be changed to, I walked 100 km a day / I walk 100 km a day – Still makes sense. 
However the same cannot be possible with a Gerund. 
Ex : Walking 100 km a day is what I do – This cannot be changed to, “Walked 100 km a day is what I do” – Hence in this case “Walking” acts as a gerund. 
Hope that helps!
Expert Answered on September 23, 2014.
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While I agree to the redundancy and the parallelism problens states in A,B,C and D, I also found the meaning of the sentence in D is distorted.

Conseqeunces include melting the (polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising)..Melting the sea levels that are rising is nonsensical.

Please correct me IF I am wrong!

Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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Apart from redundancy

B.  may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level

E.  include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level 
melting (noun)
rise (noun)
Expert Answered on August 16, 2013.
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Technically, a verb+ing form is either a gerund (Something that acts as a Noun)  or a participle (Verb form). Hence a verb+ing can function as a verb only if it is attached to another auxilliary verb (was / is / have). 

And you are right, include is the verb in Option B. 
Hope that helps!!
Expert Answered on September 8, 2014.
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Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the  Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.
A.  may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level
B.  may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level
C.  may include polar ice caps that are melting and sea levels that are rising
D.  include melting the polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising
E.  include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level

Whenever you are solving questions based on Parallelism, check out for the list of things that we are concerned about. 
Here the list of things that are are concerned about are the possible consequences of the Green House effect i.e. the melting of polar ice caps and the rise in sea levels. 
The gradual warming of the Earth’s climate is nothing but a modifier that talks more about the Green house effect (A modifier in simple) – So don’t include it in a list. 
Hope that helps 🙂
Expert Answered on October 12, 2014.
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Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the  Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.
A.  may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level
B.  may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level
C.  may include polar ice caps that are melting and sea levels that are rising
D.  include melting the polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising
E.  include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level


I opted for B, but the answer is E. Please explain.


Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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Hi Amit,

I feel in B, “the melting of polar ice caps” , THE is not required and is wordy. Probably you went in for //’ism ” the.. and..the..” but E is concise.
– Sandeep
Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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Hi Samita you are right. D is incorrect and issues mentioned by you are valid.

– Sandeep 
Default Answered on August 6, 2013.
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