applying SVA I land between optn b and e, Is there any other possibility other than idiom to find correct ans choice i.e b

OG16 SC134
Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp’s ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles.

A. requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect
B. requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting
C. that require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets protect
D. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets are protecting
E. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protectingOG16 SC134 Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp’s ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles. A. requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect B. requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting C. that require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets protect D. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets are protecting E. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting

Beginner Asked on December 19, 2016 in Sentence Correction.
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1 Answer(s)

“compliance with X”

X = laws to require (this phrase does not make any sense).

Expert Answered on December 20, 2016.
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