Can you help me solve this?

A certain sum was invested in a high-interest bond for which the interest is compounded monthly. The bond
was sold x number of months later, where x is an integer. If the value of the original investment doubled
during this period, what was the approximate amount of the original investment in dollars?
(1) The interest rate during the period of investment was greater than 39 percent but less than 45 percent.
(2) If the period of investment had been one month longer, the final sale value of the bond would have
been approximately $2,744

Intermediate Asked on June 18, 2017 in Data Sufficiency.
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1 Answer(s)


Can you please tell me whats the source of this question ?

I see, its worded wrongly.

In a DS question, you cannot say an approximate value ?

Then the DS question becomes irrelevant.

This question is wrong yaar.

Expert Answered on June 20, 2017.
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