The mode of a set of integers is x. what is the difference between the median of this set of integers and x?

(1) The difference between any two integers in the set is less than 3.

(2) The average of the set of integers is x.

OA: C Confused between C and E. Why C?  I was able to eliminate A or B or D Can this type of question or  concept come in GMAT exam?

Also while trying to understand solution online, i came across a set


I thought the list is bi-modal . Explanation says the list has no mode because no numbers frequency is more than other numbers. On the other hand,


This list has 2 modes because now numbers are repeating more with respect to other numbers

Since the explanation was provided by some random instructor on gmatclub. I wanted to clarify the concept. Thanks

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Nitesh,

Similar question has been discussed in the below thread. Except for the variables and the construction, both are similar questions. I believe you will find this useful.


Coming to the example which you posted.

Bi- Modal:

A list which has exactly two objects(numbers) repeating the most number of times(highest frequency).

No Mode :

When no object(or number) repeats the most number of times in the list, then its a NO- MODE case.

For Example:



Dont have a mode.



Do not have a mode either, because there is no object repeating most number of times.

A larger set(list) could have multiple modes(multi – Modal) but you cannot say all of them as modes, since all are repeating the most number of times. If every element has the same frequency then there is no mode.

Hope that helps.


Expert Answered on August 2, 2017.
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