How is E wrong?

“In 1981 children in the United States spent an average of slightly less than two and a half hours a week doing household chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours a week.
A. chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours a week
B. chores; by 1997 that figure had grown to nearly six hours a week
C. chores, whereas nearly six hours a week were spent in 1997
D. chores, compared with a figure of nearly six hours a week in 1997
E. chores, that figure growing to nearly six hours a week in 1997”

Expert Asked on August 1, 2017 in Sentence Correction.
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1 Answer(s)

E has 2 problems:

  1. What does “that” figure refer to? 2.5 hours? If so that is not the “new” figure.
  2. It happened in 1997 so used “grew” not “growing”


Expert Answered on August 8, 2017.
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