Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are known to be important in courtship, and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of others.
A. and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of
B. and apparently this assists flies when they taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their own species from those of
C. which apparently assists flies that tastes the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in being able to distinguish their own species from
D. apparently assisting flies to taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from those of
E. apparently assisting flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their own species from

Isn’t ‘distinguish their own species from those of others’ right? (species of others)

Shouldn’t E have ‘other’s’ instead of ‘others’?

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1 Answer(s)

Distinguish their own species from others – The others here refers to other species


I am able to distinguish a good book from bad ones – Ones refers to books

I am able to distinguish a good book from that/those of bad ones – Incorrect. What does the that/those refer to?

Also, those of others’ is redundant. Those of indicates possession and others’ with the apostrophe after s also indicates possession (of others)

Expert Answered on January 22, 2018.
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