OA is C

The success of the program to eradicate smallpox has stimulated experts to pursue what they had not previously considered possible — better control, if not eradication, of the other infections such as measles and yaws.
A. what they had not previously considered possible — better control, if not eradication, of the other infections such as
B. what they had not previously considered a possibility — better control, if not eradication, of such infections like
C. something they had not previously considered possible — better control, if not eradication, of such infections as
D. something not considered a previous possibility — better control and perhaps eradication, of other infections such as
E. the possibility of what they had not previously considered possible — better control and possibly eradication of infections like

Why is using ‘the’ wrong in A?

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1 Answer(s)

Consider the following 3 sentences:

  1. I didn’t like the new restaurant, but I liked the other restaurants in the locality – Correct
  2. I didn’t like the new restaurant, but I liked other restaurants  in the locality, such as X and Y – Correct
  3. I didn’t like the new restaurant, but I liked the other restaurants  in the locality, such as X and Y – Incorrect. “The” and “such as” cannot be used this way. You either say you liked the other restaurants which means you liked every other restaurant in the locality or you give specific examples of restaurants you liked using “such as”
Expert Answered on January 22, 2018.
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