OA:4. but if it disproves the notion that vehicle emissions are the cause of production of greenhouse gases than wont it question the feasibility?

Greenville, an agricultural city, will be doubling its cattle population the coming year. To make the city more conducive for cattle rearing, Greensville’s mayor plans to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses generated in the city. He plans to promote widespread use of solar powered vehicles rather than gasoline powered ones; he therefore plans to ban gasoline sale for use in vehicles. He argues that solar power represents a far greener source of energy (producing lesser greenhouse gasses) than does fossil fuel.

All of the following call into question the feasibility of the proposed plan, EXCEPT

  1. The process of making solar cells that will power vehicles involves the use of more fossil fuel than what it would take to power a conventional gasoline vehicle through its entire life cycle
  2. Since most of the citizens of Greensville prefer gasoline powered vehicles, they will drive to their neighboring cities to fuel up, when they need to
  3. It has been found that the amount of greenhouse gasses produced by cattle far exceeds that of those produced by gasoline powered vehicles
  4. New research has shown evidence that disproves the popular notion that vehicle emissions are causative for the production of greenhouse gasses.
  5. There was a decrease of 20 percent in the production of solar cells last year
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Vihar,

Please refer to the below thread where this question has already been discussed.


Hope this helps!

Expert Answered on October 17, 2017.

Thanks.went through the above link. but if it disproves the notion that vehicular emissions  are causative behind emissions of greenhouse gases, then does it make sense to ban the use of gasoline?does’nt it question the feasibility?

on October 22, 2017.

Yes. Good point. Option E looks like the correct answer.

on October 23, 2017.
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