OG 2016| CR 70 | Option B

City council member: Demand for electricity has been increasing by 1.5 percent a year, and there simply is no more space to build additional power plants to meet future demand increases. We must therefore begin to curtail usage, which is why I propose passing ordinances requiring energy-conservation measures in all city departments.City council member: Demand for electricity has been increasing by 1.5 percent a year, and there simply is no more space to build additional power plants to meet future demand increases. We must therefore begin to curtail usage, which is why I propose passing ordinances requiring energy-conservation measures in all city departments.

 The city council member’s proposal assumes which of the following?The city council member’s proposal assumes which of the following?

Option B- No city departments have implemented energy conservation measures voluntarily .

Upon Negation- All City departments have implemented……

Is this right? If yes ,wont it be a correct answer

Beginner Asked on June 19, 2017 in Critical Reasoning.
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1 Answer(s)

please post the question in its entirety for the benefit of everybody.

the negation of “no” is not “all”, but “some”.

So, answer option B does not work.

Expert Answered on June 20, 2017.
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