Tenses and Idioms

Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to health, the
chief executive’s plans were announced on Wednesday for cutting the company’s
huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months.

a. executive’s plans were announced on Wednesday for cutting the
company’s huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18

b. executive announced plans Wednesday to cut the company’s huge debt
by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months

The answer is given as b. I do agree that sentence much more sense but if it was mentioned as ‘ on Wednesday’, the sentence would have been completely grammatically correct. In such a scenario, why not go for a?

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Debarpit,

It is the chief executive who is “outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to health”. The chief executive is the noun that has to follow the modifier in place of chief executive’s plans in option A

Expert Answered on May 16, 2018.
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