This is Q.8 under SC – SVA – online course. The correct answer is D but I have a doubt in the explanation.

High intake of dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes causes thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, but, at a proper dose, also improve both neurological and physical developmentHigh intake of dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes causes thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, but, at a proper dose, also improve both neurological and physical development.

a. dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes causes thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, but, at a proper dose, also improve
b. dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes cause thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer but, at a proper dose, also improve
c. products made from dairy such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes causes thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, and, at a proper dose, also improves
d. dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes causes thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, but such products, taken at a proper dose, also improve
e. products made from dairy such as milk, yogurt and cheese, and grain products such as breads and cereals sometimes cause thyroid gland inflammation and thyroid cancer, but, at a proper dose, also improves
: explanation

Concepts tested: subject verb agreement, conjunctions/meaning

The subject here is ‘intake’ – singular. Therefore, it must be paired with a singular verb ’causes’, not ’cause’ – thus, options A and E are out. (?)

{Option A says ’causes’ not ’cause’}

At a proper dose, this ‘intake’ has some positive effects. Again, the subject is the singular word ‘intake’, and must be paired with ‘improves’, not ‘improve’. This is incorrect in option B. (?) 

The use of the conjunction ‘and’ in C fails to bring out the contrast between the effects of a high intake and a proper intake. ‘but’ is the appropriate conjunction. Thus, D is the right answer.

{But in the option D ‘intake’ is paired with ‘improve’ not ‘improves’. But in the option D ‘intake’ is paired with ‘improve’ not ‘improves’.}  

Also note that the subject for the clause after ‘but’ is high intake of dairy products. This does not make sense when we write it as ‘High intake of dairy products. at a proper dose, also improve’. So A, B, C and E can be eliminatedConcepts tested: subject verb agreement, conjunctions/meaning The subject here is ‘intake’ – singular. Therefore, it must be paired with a singular verb ’causes’, not ’cause’ – thus, options A and E are out. At a proper dose, this ‘intake’ has some positive effects. Again, the subject is the singular word ‘intake’, and must be paired with ‘improves’, not ‘improve’. This is incorrect in option B. The use of the conjunction ‘and’ in C fails to bring out the contrast between the effects of a high intake and a proper intake. ‘but’ is the appropriate conjunction. Thus, D is the right answer. Also note that the subject for the clause after ‘but’ is high intake of dairy products. This does not make sense when we write it as ‘High intake of dairy products. at a proper dose, also improve’. So A, B, C and E can be eliminated

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1 Answer(s)

High intake should be paired with causes.

In option D, the subject of the second clause is such products; hence improve makes sense.

Expert Answered on June 18, 2017.
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