Want to understand the approach for solving the question? Answer given is E

Analyzing the physics of dance can add fundamentally to a dancer’s skill. Although dancers seldom see themselves totally in physical terms— as body mass moving through space under the influence of well-known forces and obeying physical laws—they cannot afford to ignore the physics of movement. For example, no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angular momentum absolutely prevents such a movement. Some movements involving primarily vertical or horizontal motions of the body as a whole, in which rotations can be ignored, can be studied using simple equations of linear motions in three dimensions. However, rotational motions require more complex approaches that involve analyses of the way the body’s mass is distributed, the axes of rotation involved in different types of movement, and the sources of the forces that produce the rotational movement.Analyzing the physics of dance can add fundamentally to a dancer’s skill. Although dancers seldom see themselves totally in physical terms— as body mass moving through space under the influence of well-known forces and obeying physical laws—they cannot afford to ignore the physics of movement. For example, no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angular momentum absolutely prevents such a movement. Some movements involving primarily vertical or horizontal motions of the body as a whole, in which rotations can be ignored, can be studied using simple equations of linear motions in three dimensions. However, rotational motions require more complex approaches that involve analyses of the way the body’s mass is distributed, the axes of rotation involved in different types of movement, and the sources of the forces that produce the rotational movement. 4



2. The author mentions all of the following as contributing to an understanding of the physics of dance EXCEPT
(A) the law of conservation of angular momentum.
(B) the analyses of the way in which the body’s mass is distributed.
(C) the explanation as to why one approach to understanding a problem is better than another.
(D) the analyses of the sources that produce rotational motions.
(E) the factors that limit movements such as leaps and turns.
Default Asked on September 5, 2017 in GRE Verbal.
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3 Answer(s)

Hi Moaazabir,

Question type: Except question.
Since this is an except question, we must eliminate all the options which the author is likely to agree with. The one which is left is the right answer.
A – Line 6 reads ˜the law of conservation of angular momentum clearly prevents such a movement”
B – “rotational motions require more complex approaches that involve analyses of the way the body’s mass is distributed”
C – Nowhere in the passage does the author suggest this. Also, this doesn’t contribute to an understanding of the physics of dance. Hence this is the correct answer.
D – “and the sources of the forces that produce the rotational movement”
E – “no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angular momentum absolutely prevents such a movement”
Please let us know where this passage is from. If it is from the CrackVerbal guide, we’ll have the error corrected.
Expert Answered on September 5, 2017.
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Hi Sivaranjani,

Its in  online course  Test -Practice Passage 5 question number 2.



Default Answered on September 5, 2017.
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Intermediate Answered on June 12, 2018.
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