Which is the right answer and why ?

Service-learning, a teaching method wherein students learn by combining academic concepts with community service, has received much attention as a means to empower youth and equip them with important skills that are conducive to both community engagement and self-esteem. However, it also functions as a mediator between gender issues and educational practice, an important divide that has enormous implications for academics and educators alike. Youth development is not an inherently unified field; young people present a multiplicity of identities that cannot easily be addressed by a totalizing methodology. Theories of gender and sexuality remind us that reforms for girls in public schools must not take an essentialist stance that purports to speak for all girls and women, given that there is no easy reform for a category so unable as “woman.” The key question becomes how to keep this principle in mind in practice. Curricula that are designed to serve the “needs” of “women” make the mistake of purporting that there is a delineated population called “women” that has specific issues to be dealt with. Though there is no doubt that girls in public schools need attention, especially when one contends with the masculinist tendencies of the American schooling system, there is such a wide array of voices within the category of “woman” that some are silenced for the sake of others. Service learning combats this by allowing young people to examine the structures of power that occupy their lives while encouraging personal achievement and growth alongside fellow classmates.


Which of the following can be inferred from the information provided in the passage ?

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Shambhavi,

Could you provide the source and the answer please?

Expert Answered on November 25, 2017.



It is a question from

 CrackVerbal Questions – RC Hard 2 , from gmatonthego.com .

Accroding to this the correct answer is option E .



on November 26, 2017.
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