Why A is right and B is wrong

The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush
with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when
the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s.
A. extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than
B. extinction; its numbers are now five times more than
C. extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were
D. extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had
E. extinction, now with numbers five times greater than

more  is used for countable noun so, B should be correct why A?

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3 Answer(s)

Hi Shilpi,

“More” is used with uncountable nouns. For example: More food, more money

Here, the comparison is between numbers which are countable.

“the number of students in class today is more than the number yesterday” – Incorrect

“the number of students in class today is greater than the number yesterday” – correct

Hope this helps!

Expert Answered on March 16, 2018.
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In crack verbal SC book, Pg no 227 its written- In general, “greater” is used for uncountable or abstract quantities and “more” is used for countable ones…

Intermediate Answered on March 17, 2018.
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Hi Shilpi

More can be used for countable nouns also as follows:

The number of students in the class today is five more than the number yesterday.

When you are comparing numbers in terms of “x times” you must use greater.

Advanced Answered on March 18, 2018.
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