Why D is incorrect and A is correct?

Despite Japan’s relative isolation from world trade at the time, the prolonged peace during the Tokugawa shogunate produced an almost explosive expansion of commerce.Despite Japan’s relative isolation from world trade at the time, the prolonged peace during the Tokugawa shogunate produced an almost explosive expansion of commerce.

A. Japan’s relative isolation from world trade at the time, the
prolonged peace during the Tokugawa shogunate
B. the relative isolation of Japan from world trade at the time
and the Tokugawa shogunate’s prolonged peace, it
C. being relatively isolated from world trade at the time, the
prolonged peace during Japan’s Tokugawa shogunate
D. Japan’s relative isolation from world trade at the time
during the Tokugawa shogunate, prolonged peace
E. its relative isolation from world trade then, prolonged peace
in Japan during the Tokugawa shogunate

explanation for option A and D

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2 Answer(s)

Hi Shilpi,

Options B, C and E are out, incorrect structure and meaning.

The sentence describe two events dependent on each other.

1st event: Japan’s isolation

2nd event: Prolonged peace during Tokugawa shogunate.

Thus the sentence retains its meaning as because of Event 1, Event 2 has happened.  

Option D says, Japan’s relative isolation during Tokugawa shogunate, an event happened sometime in past. Does Japan’s isolation took place during Tokugawa shogunate ? We do not know anything about this.

Hope this helps.

Intermediate Answered on June 19, 2018.
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Good explanation Aditya!

Please feel free to ask in case of further doubts Shilpi.

Expert Answered on June 21, 2018.
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