Why is C wrong ?

“The principal feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructions that the company hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which includes reminders to watch the endorsement, compare signatures, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.
A. which includes reminders to watch the endorsement, compare signatures, and view
B. which include reminders for watching the endorsement, to compare signatures and view
C. by including reminders for watching the endorsement, comparing signatures, and viewing
D. including reminders to watch the endorsement, comparing signatures and viewing
E. including reminders to watch the endorsement, compare signatures, and view”

Expert Asked on August 1, 2017 in Sentence Correction.
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2 Answer(s)

In general, on the GMAT, remember this:

“for doing something” tell us the purpose of something i.e. this is something it does – already proven and established. For example:

I use a hairbrush for combing my hair.

“to do something” tell us the intent of something i.e. that is what it is supposed to do – not sure if it does so.

I invested in the stock market to make some money.

So, E is better than C as here it is the intent that users watch, compare, and view.



Expert Answered on August 8, 2017.
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By Including doesnt make sense here, i

the prinicple…….. , including (modifying the clause).

So at first pass i was able to eliminate A,B and C


in D vs E check the parallelism which holds in E.


Intermediate Answered on August 4, 2017.
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