Why not E? and why use present perfect in C.

In addition to having directed many of his own star vehicles, Clint Eastwood also directed films in which he did not appear, such as Mystic River and Letters from lwo JIma, for which he had received Academy Award nominations.


B. having directed many of his own star vehicles, Clint Eastwood has also directed films in which he had not appeared, such as Mystic River and Letters from lwo JIma, for which he received

C. directing many of his own star vehicles, Clint Eastwood has also directed films in which he did not appear, such as Mystic River and Letters from lwo Jima, for which he received

D. directing many of his own star vehicles, Clint Eastwood had also directed films in which he did not appear, such as Mystic River and Letters from lwo Jima, for which he had received

E directing many of his own star vehicles, Clint Eastwood also directed films in which he had not appeared, such as Mystic River and Letters from lwo Jima, for which he received

Source: Crack Verbal SC Guide

OA : C

My question is : In the C answer choice, why are we using present perfect tense “has also directed” when the event has already happened in the past and is not continuing in the present. and what is the reason to eliminate E ?

Intermediate Asked on August 22, 2017 in Sentence Correction.
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3 Answer(s)

Even i trapped for E  🙁

I just wiki’ed Clint Eastwood  .. He is still alive  means He is still  director of those movies.

Need proper explaination for C vs E.


Intermediate Answered on August 22, 2017.
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I think the sentence is talk about the effect of Eastwood work (star vehicles /movies/  )  … The effect of Which is still alive  which is still there


BTW is there any tag available to  can attract admin on particular post. I don’t want to put induce wrong concept but to fix flaws in mine.

@CVadmin Can you provide correct explanation.




Intermediate Answered on August 24, 2017.
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Please refer to the below thread where this question is already discussed.


Expert Answered on August 27, 2017.
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