Have you ever wondered how much you’ll score on the GMAT?
Have you been worried whether you will be able to score 700+ on the exam?
If you are someone who has been trying to figure out ways to get maybe a 760 on the GMAT, you have come to the right place.
But let us tell you this first: To score a 760+ on the exam, you not only need to know the right GMAT strategy but you also need to start thinking like a GMAT 760-scorer.
Now you must be wondering, “What is so different about the way a 760-scorer approaches the GMAT? And what is this GMAT strategy that I should learn?” right?
Well… there is a lot more to the GMAT than the sections you’re trying to ace.
There is even more to the GMAT than those difficult practice questions you’re trying to crack. And there is definitely a lot more to the GMAT than just choosing the right answer because it is an exam of elimination – an exam in which you eliminate the wrong answers to find the right answer.
A 760-scorer would have definitely been aware of the aforementioned points. Even if you didn’t know it, you can try not to forget it now.
So, do you want to score a 760 on the GMAT? We will take you through the mind of a 760-scorer to understand the GMAT strategy that you can utilize to get a high score on the exam.
Here are 5 GMAT strategies that are followed by a 760-scorer:
GMAT Strategy 1: Approach GMAT as a test of application, not knowledge
GMAT Strategy 2: Know that GMAT is a test of specific skills
GMAT Strategy 3: Understand that the GMAT score matters even after the MBA
GMAT Strategy 4: Prepare for the GMAT like its a marathon
GMAT Strategy 5: Apply the right formula to crack the GMAT
Now, let us show you inside the mind of a GMAT 760-scorer so that you understand how they approach the exam.
GMAT Strategy 1: Approach GMAT as a test of application, not knowledge

To a GMAT 760-scorer, the exam is a test of application and not knowledge.
Now that we are inside the mind of a 760-scorer, let us try to think like them.
As a 760-scorer, they knew that they shouldn’t approach the GMAT like how they probably prepared for the exams in school and so, they did not try to mug up because they did not expect to get a high score by doing that.
They are aware that the GMAT is a test of their ability to apply what they learnt and not a test of what they learnt.
Got confused, is it?
Check this out!

We will give you five answer options here. Think of what we mentioned earlier about applying what you learnt and try to find the answer.
(A). 10 cents
(B). 5 cents
(C). 15 cents
(D). 20 cents
(E). 4 cents
If you jumped up and said, “It is 10 cents!”, you are wrong. If you excitedly shouted, “It is definitely 15 cents!”, you are wrong.
But if you applied what you learnt and got 5 cents as the answer, you are right! Congratulations!
It is just the application of the algebraic equations you have been learning.
And a GMAT 760-scorer derives this from their theoretical knowledge. This will help them solve the problem within the given time as well.

In short, inside the mind of a GMAT 760-scorer, the exam is about knowing the “How” and the “Why”.
This is just one of the strategies that they follow to get a high score. If you start approaching the GMAT like this, you can soon join the club too.
GMAT Strategy 2: Know that GMAT is a test of specific skills

Let us say that you’re an IT engineer and you’re working in one of the top start-ups in India. When the company recruited you, didn’t they test your skills – be it software development or hardware engineering? Don’t they also set deadlines for the tasks they give you now?
A GMAT 760-scorer will always be aware that the GMAT tests them on specific skills and that time management is one of them.
Consider the sentence correction questions in the Verbal section of the GMAT. While you may think that choosing the right answer is the most important, you should know that eliminating the wrong options (as mentioned earlier) is what you should focus on. This will leave you with the right answer.
But, to eliminate the wrong options, you not only need theoretical knowledge, but also effective observational skills. You need to be able to identify the red flags immediately and you should also be able to make calculated decisions. Thus, the GMAT is also a test of your mental ability.

Now that you have read the sentence, here’s the question:
“Select the correct answer option that produces the most effective replacement for the underlined part, keeping in mind grammar and clarity:
(A) when she suffered a second fatal attack
(B) but then suffered a second fatal attack
(C) when she suffered a second and fatal attack
(D) and then suffered a second fatal attack
(E) when a second fatal attack was suffered”
If you know how to eliminate the wrong answer options, you would have eliminated option A, B, D and E. And you will be left with the right answer option C!
Well… you could have done all this. But how long did it take you to do it?
You should remember that if you don’t complete the GMAT exam within 3 hours and 30 minutes or in the case of the new interim GMAT online exam, 2 hours 45 minutes, you will lose out on your score!
And this is when a candidate who aims to get a high score on the GMAT and have been preparing for it all along stands apart from the rest of the candidates.
They work on their time management skills a lot. So, when they take the practise tests, they keep in mind the time they have for each question and then go ahead. This helps them stay on track when they appear for the actual exam.
If you want to ace the GMAT, this is something that you need to focus on as well.
Check out the image above to know how important time management is to a 760+ scorer. That’s exactly what we were talking about!
If we are to give you the secret statement here, it will be that the GMAT is not a test of your knowledge in English or Mathematics. And neither are the B-schools looking to admit a Math or an English prodigy. They want future business leaders.
GMAT Strategy 3: Understand that the GMAT score matters even after the MBA

Now let’s look at the third GMAT strategy followed by a 760-scorer.
Inside the mind of a 760-scorer, they have ingrained that their GMAT score is going to be of value even after their MBA. They have understood that the job offers they receive will partly depend on the score.
What we mean to say here is that the recruiters who interview you will probably review your GMAT score before they hand you the offer letter.
We know that you must now be wondering how the GMAT score is related to your job or your working potential, right?
The recruiters look at the GMAT score to understand your real-life skills!
Let us give you this short example.
You must be familiar with reading comprehension on the GMAT. How do you solve those questions?
i. You read the passage.
ii. You pick and remember only the most relevant points
iii. You eliminate the wrong answer options
By following the first two steps, you are trying to get the gist of the passage.
This is a skill that you will need even when you work in an office. You might have to read long contracts, analyze a lot of data or even prepare the minutes of a meeting you attended half an hour ago in ten minutes and send it to your boss.

In all the three scenarios mentioned above, you need to get a summary of the content.
Similarly, every section on the GMAT is a test of one of your skills. This is the reason why your GMAT score plays an important role in your life even after you graduate.
So, a candidate with a high GMAT score will have scored well in almost all the sections on the exam. This is proof of the skills that they possess. The recruiters can easily understand the value of such a candidate.
You can check out McKinsey’s tips to students to understand how much they value your GMAT score.

GMAT Strategy 4: Prepare for the GMAT like its a marathon

If you made up your mind to take the GMAT very recently, you must be thinking that it is just going to be a few weeks’ efforts. You must be thinking that you can possibly pull a few all-nighters and learn the theory and then just keep practising the questions until your GMAT exam day.
But what you need to understand is that it takes a lot more than that to crack the GMAT. Of course, you can score a 410 or a 450 with the kind of learning we mentioned above. But, is that enough for you to get into your dream B-school? It might not be.
A GMAT 760-scorer understands that the exam is a marathon and not a sprint. And mostly, all the high-scorers on the GMAT know this.
What does this mean? You must have heard people who give motivational speeches say that life is a marathon and not a sprint.
Even the GMAT is not a sprint.
It is a long journey that takes you to your destination, which is your B-school, you take a pitstop there, and then continue your journey into the business world.
In your GMAT journey, you will have to plan, you will have to adapt and you will have to stay focussed so that you reach your destination.
When it comes to planning, a GMAT 760-scorer knows that they need a clear and detailed plan (We will come to that in a minute). They will be ready to adapt to the circumstances. For instance, candidates who were preparing to take the GMAT at the test centres are now adapting to the new interim GMAT online exam at home.
Once you have the right plan and the mindset to adapt, you need to figure out how to stay focussed? How do you keep your eyes on the prize constantly?

Someone who is looking to get a high score on the GMAT will be following the three steps below to stay focussed on their preparation:
i. Fine-tuning their brain to understand the need to ace the GMAT
ii. Setting goals to prepare for the GMAT
iii. Following a structured plan
Also read: Coronavirus Impact: How to Prepare for the GMAT at Home
We feel that the three points mentioned above are self-explanatory. But you need to understand the importance of these three steps mentioned above and try to follow them until you achieve your goal.
GMAT Strategy 5: Apply the right formula to crack the GMAT

Every GMAT 760-scorer once realized that the GMAT can be cracked with a formula. And the formula that they found comprised of three main elements:
i. Time
ii. Right resources, and
iii. Concrete study plan
First things first.
You need to know how much time you have until you have to take the exam. Once you figure this out, you can plan accordingly.
The other way to go about this will be to keep a few months handy and then decide the GMAT exam date. This is completely up to you because only you know when you will be able to take the exam.
The second important thing is to have the right resources to prepare for the GMAT.
This includes the Official Guide (OG), practice tests, practice tests and more practice tests.
But the most important resource that you need and a resource that will provide you with a concrete study plan is a well-structured GMAT course. And such a course has been the backbone of a lot of GMAT high scorers.

Now, what should you look for in such a course? Such a GMAT course will include:
i. Sessions in which the best GMAT faculty members will guide you on the sections on the GMAT
ii. A study plan you will be able to follow, and
iii. Provisions to clear your doubts that come up from time to time
Once you have access to all these, your GMAT preparation will be quite sorted. The only thing that is left now is for you to begin to think like a 760-scorer.
Now, we have given you the secret strategies followed by high scorers on the GMAT. And once you understand these strategies and once you start implementing them, you will start seeing a difference in your performance on the GMAT.
So, why did we decide to put out this article today?
We felt that there is a need for GMAT aspirants like you to know how it is in the mind of a GMAT 760-scorer. With so much noise — people telling you what GMAT is and what it is not — we figured that there is a lack of specific understanding of what the exam actually is. Moreover, a lack of clarity on how one needs to approach the GMAT.
So, If you are someone who is trying to prepare for the GMAT from home, has the goal set in your mind but is lacking the structure and the push, you can schedule a Free Live Session with us. You will not only get to experience the quality of our course but also understand the impact it can have on your GMAT preparation.
And if you are someone who knows for sure that you want to enroll for our Live at Home Mastery Program, in which we provide you with a study plan, you can just click on the image below and join us.
If you have any questions pertaining to any of the points mentioned above, please leave them in the “Comments” section below and we will get back to you.
So, are you ready to join the GMAT 760-scorers club yet?
Commonly asked questions
- How do I start my GMAT preparation?
You can start your GMAT preparation by enrolling for our Live at Home Mastery Program. Our course provides you access to more than 80 hours of live sessions and five mock tests along with a study plan and other free resources. You can enrol for our course by clicking here.
- How do I know whether my profile is good enough for an MBA?
You can get your profile evaluated by experts, for free. You will be given complete feedback on your profile and will also be guided on the next steps. Click here to get your profile evaluated for free.
- Do I need GMAT to apply to B-schools abroad?
Yes. You need the GMAT score to apply for MBA programs abroad.
- How do I prepare for the GMAT from home?
If you are ready to ace the GMAT, where you prepare from shouldn’t matter. If you want tips to prepare for the GMAT from home, you can read this article. You will find 10 tips that will help you prepare efficiently for the GMAT from home.