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Many entomologists say that campaigns to eradicate the fire ant in the United States have failed because the chemicals that were used were effective only in wiping out the ant’s natural enemies, which made it easier for them to spread.


Option A:

which made it easier for them

Option B:

which makes it easier for it

Option C:

thus making it easier for them

Option D:

thus making it easier for the ant

Option E:

thereby, it was made easier for the ant

Difficulty Level



Option D is the correct answer.

Option Analysis

Concept tested: Modifier, Pronouns


A) Inappropriate usage of the “Which” modifier. Seems to refer to enemies.

B) Inappropriate usage of the “Which” modifier. Seems to refer to enemies.

C) Inappropriate usage of the word “them” (plural) which cannot refer to the ant (singular)

D) Correct Answer

E) Inappropriate usage of the pronoun “it” as we do not know what it refers to.

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