Adv doc set Q238

Advanced Asked on April 9, 2014 in Sentence Correction.
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8 Answer(s)

Hi, in this sentence we are not using past perfect tense. We are using simple past tense.

We can use HAD in simple past. For example He had his lunch at 1:00 PM. In this sentence HAD is used as simple past tense.

Simple trick I use to differentiate is: If HAD is followed by a verb or been, then I conclude that Past Perfect is being used.
If HAD is followed by a noun/pronoun, then I conclude that Simple Past is being used.

Please correct me if I am wrong 🙂

Default Answered on April 9, 2014.
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Very good Murali!

Intermediate Answered on April 14, 2014.
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Question #238.

In an attempt to attract more tourists, the Swiss government
commissioned several life-size

fiberglass cow statues, having them decorated by local artists, and
set them up on the streets of


A. the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow
statues, having them

decorated by local artists, and

B. the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow
statues, they were

decorated by local artists, and then

C. the Swiss government commissioned several life-size fiberglass cow
statues, had them

decorated by local artists, and

D. several life-size fiberglass cow statues were commissioned by the
Swiss government,

decorated by local artists, and then

E. several life-size fiberglass cow statues, commissioned by the Swiss
government, were

decorated by
local artists, and they



D, E
–gone..modifier issue.

B- they is
referring tourists and cow statues

A—wrong because
of having them.

OA: C ..but “had”
is wrong tense here right??

Advanced Answered on April 9, 2014.
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When you have two event in past,had is used with latter one( 1st event).

1st  Event: Decorated by local artist.
2nd Event: Set then on street.
Also by parallelism point : Had them…… and Set them.
Hope it helps. 
Default Answered on April 9, 2014.
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but here past perfect tense is used. Had them decorated is mentioned.  It should be wrong!!what is concept it wants to test

Intermediate Answered on November 21, 2014.
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Saikat, here HAD THEM DECORATED is in passive voice 🙂

Expert Answered on November 25, 2014.
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I think I overlooked Murali’s comment. It is clearly said 
If HAD is followed by a verb or been, then I conclude that Past Perfect is being used. If HAD is followed by a noun/pronoun, then I conclude that Simple Past is being used.  Here, them(pronoun) comes after Had (verb). So it is a simple past tense

Intermediate Answered on November 26, 2014.
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You are right.. What seems to be your doubt here?

Expert Answered on November 30, 2014.
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