Advanced Docs DS

25).Is mx + ky > kx + my?

I. m > k

II. x > y

According to me the answer should be C but the answer in the explanation says that it is A.

The relevant extracts from the explanation are reproduced below:

mx -my > kx-ky

m(x-y) > k (x-y)

Is m >k

Statement I is sufficient: m>k, sufficient Statement II is insufficient: Nothing about m and k. Insufficient. So the answer is A.

What I do not understand is how can we cancel out (x-y) from both sides since- (a) we do not know the sign so the inequlaity sign might get reversed; and (b) what if x-y=0.

PLease let me know if my though process is correct or if I am missing something here.

Default Asked on October 9, 2016 in Data Sufficiency.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi User,

You are absolutely right. Both you are reasoning are right.

thanks for letting us know. The changes has been made.

We cant cancel out here (x-y) because we have inequalities both sides.

While writing the explanation, author was in the assumption that x-y is positive, which is not the case here.

We get that information only if we consider the statement II,

So the answer is C.

Expert Answered on October 12, 2016.
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