although there is disagreement

Although there is still disagreement among the scientific community, some research suggests that the reason people yawn is because doing so increases blood flow and cools the brain.

A. among the scientific community, some research suggests that the reason people yawn is because doing so increases blood flow and cools

B. among the scientific community, some research suggests that the reason people yawn is that yawning increases blood flow, cooling

C. between the scientific community, some research suggests that the reason people yawn is that yawning increases blood flow and cools

D. within the scientific community, some research suggests that people yawn because by doing so, blood flow increases, thereby cooling

E. in the scientific community, some research suggests that the reason people yawn is because the act of yawning increases blood flow, thereby coolinge

What is wrong with option D? SOURCE- MANHATTAN

Expert Asked on August 29, 2018 in Sentence Correction.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Riya,

In option D, the modifier ‘thereby cooling’ modifies the relative clause ‘that people yawn’. The required meaning is that cooling happens because of increased blood flow and not that cooling happens because of people yawning

Expert Answered on September 4, 2018.
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