at their birthday

At their birthday party, the twins were eager to begin opening their presents but quickly tiring of the project as the novelty of new toys wore off.

A. quickly tiring
B. quick to tire
C. tire quickly
D. tired quick
E. rapidly becoming tired

my ques- how to approach this one?

Expert Asked on July 30, 2018 in Sentence Correction.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Riya,

This is a test of parallelism

The parallel structure is – The twins were X but Y

X is “eager”

We are looking for the correct Y among the answer choices

A. were “eager” but “quickly tiring” – not parallel

B. were “eager” but “quick to tire” – parallel. We have adjectives on both sides

C. were “eager” but “tire quickly” – incorrect construction, no parallelism

D. were “eager” but “tired quickly” – same as C

E. were “eager” but “rapidly becoming tired” – not parallel

Expert Answered on July 31, 2018.
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