Does Anyone think A is the correct answer for the below question?

Ten years ago, scientists predicted that the animal z would become extinct in t years. What is t?

(1) Animal z became extinct 4 years ago.

(2) If the scientists had extended their extinction prediction for animal z by 3 years, their prediction would have been incorrect by 2 years. Ten years ago, scientists predicted that the animal z would become extinct in t years. What is t? (1) Animal z became extinct 4 years ago. (2) If the scientists had extended their extinction prediction for animal z by 3 years, their prediction would have been incorrect by 2 years.

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1 Answer(s)

For me, the answer should be E.

Not sure, why you think someone will pick A.

Only reason could be statement I sufficient, if both extinction and prediction are same.

They not necessarily has to be same. So, it is insufficient. Scientist prediction is different from actual extinction.

Even along with statement II its not sufficient, because incorrect by 2 years means it may be +2 or -2.

So the answer has to be E.

Hope this helps


Expert Answered on July 5, 2017.
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