OA is option 5. But on negation how do i change the conclusion?

Locusts, a species of parasitic insects, have increased in population in certain regions that grow jute. This has resulted in destruction of numerous jute farms and as a consequence reduced the amount of jute in the world market. Since jute reaches maturity quickly, many maze growers in Estonia plan to stop growing maze and being growing jute instead. The reasoning is that doing so will take advantage of the current high price of jute and as a result increase their income substantially over the next decade.

Which of the following, if true, most calls into question the reasoning on which the plan is based?

  1. The cost of raising mazes has increased significantly over the past several years and is expected to continue to climb.
  2. In the past several years, there has been no sharp increase in the demand for jute, and for goods made out of jute.
  3. Many consumers consider jute cloth a necessity rather than a luxury and would be willing to pay significantly higher prices for jute goods than they are currently paying
  4. Locusts that have infested the jute plants have never been known to infest maze plants
  5. Tests of a newly developed, inexpensive pesticide have shown it to be both environmentally safe and effective against the locusts that have infected the jute crops.


  1. as a result increase their income substantially over the next decade.as a result increase their income substantially over the next decade?will this be the conclusion?
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2 Answer(s)

Hi Vihar,

If the new pesticide is effective in killing the locusts, the jute crop’s infection will be treated. If treated, then there won’t be a scarcity of jute. Jute supply will increase and as a result, the price will go down. If the price goes down, farmers will not be able to make more money growing jute.

A general knowledge of supply and demand is helpful here.

Cheers 🙂

Expert Answered on October 17, 2017.
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ok.Thanks.will this be a weakening arguments category of questions?

Advanced Answered on October 18, 2017.
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