SC: Comparisons

Most of Portugal’s 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year.


A. year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year

B. year toward the cost of higher education, for which was previously paid $7 per year

C. year, compared to the previously $7 per year, toward the cost of higher education

D. year toward the cost of higher education, instead of the $7 per year required previously

E. year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education

Answer given : D


I had marked E.  The reason I rejected D because it uses ‘toward’  instead of ‘towards’. I assumed it was ‘number’ issue.

Also, ‘as opposed to’ was used correctly, while keeping the meaning intact – students went on a strike to protest against a law that requires them to contribute #330 a year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher edu.

Could you correct me if I am wrong?



Intermediate Asked on January 29, 2017 in Sentence Correction.
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1 Answer(s)


the problem is that its not clear in option E as to what 330$ a year is required for? If we assume that it’s required for higher education, the structure becomes redundant.

See here –

a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education

a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year required previously for the cost of higher education” – Redundant Construction. Also, says “previously” for something that is true now.

In option D, however, note that the common phrase is “toward the cost of higher education” – We can apply this to both 330$ and 7$ a year without any meaning issues or redundancy.

Expert Answered on February 1, 2017.
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