Scientists have recently

Scientists have recently received permission to research
embryonic stem cells, derived from blastocysts or early-
stage embryos, that they believe to be capable of
generating new cell growth and curing previously incurable

A that they believe to be capable
B that they believe are capable
C that they believe will be capable
D believed as capable
E believed to be capable

Source- kaplan

can you please explain why do we pick A?

Expert Asked on August 18, 2018 in Sentence Correction.
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3 Answer(s)

Hi Riya,

This is the main sentence

Option C can be eliminated for using the future tense incorrectly

Options D and E have incorrect structure. We need the 2 modifiers that modify stem cells

  1. derived from blastocysts or early-stage embryos
  2. believed as capable/believed to be capable

to be connected by some conjunction to make a complete sentence. The structure we have is “Scientists have recently received permission to research
embryonic stem cells, modifier 1, modifier 2.

Between options A and B, there really isn’t any significant difference. “are capable” and “to be capable” are both acceptable.

Request you to check the explanation for A over B from the source and post it here

Hope this helps!

Expert Answered on August 18, 2018.
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the kaplan explanation is-

The phrase that they believe calls for the subjunctive mood. It needs to be completed by the verb to be in its infinitive form, allowing you to eliminate (B) and (C). Answer choices (D) and (E) create invalid sentence structures because they offer back-to-back modifiers without joining them with and or some other conjunction. Only choice (A) remains.

But i do not understand how the phrase that they believe is subjunctive?

Expert Answered on August 18, 2018.
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Hi Riya,

I don’t see how this is subjunctive either. IF that’s the only explanation provided on the source, I recommend that you drop this question

Expert Answered on August 21, 2018.
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