The purpose of

The purpose of the proposed law requiring a doctor’s prescription for obtaining hypodermic needles is to lower the incidence of drug-related deaths, both accidental and intentional, involving hypodermic needles. But even knitting needles can be lethal if they fall into the wrong hands; yet everyone would agree that imposing legal restrictions on obtaining knitting needles would be preposterous. Hence the proposed law involving hypodermic makes no sense and should not be enacted.

Which of the following, if true, would provide most support for the argument above?

(A) Knitting needles have been known to cause injury and death.

(B) The benefits of hypodermic needles outweigh those of knitting needles.

(C) The proposed law would not deter the sort of activity known to result in drug-related deaths.

(D) The proposed law could not be effectively enforced.

(E) Knitting needles are not readily available to anybody who wants to obtain them.

My Ques: Why cant it be C?

Expert Asked on June 22, 2018 in Critical Reasoning.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Riya,

The argument in one sentence is as follows:

The proposed law involving hypodermic makes no sense and should not be enacted because even knitting needles can be lethal if they fall into the wrong hands

In order to strengthen the argument I cannot just be supporting the proposed law. I need to be supporting the fact that knitting needles can be lethal.

Option A supports that fact that knitting needles can also be lethal and cause injury and death. Hence banning hypodermic needles while knitting needles remain in circulation doesn’t really make any sense. There will still be needle related injuries and deaths.

Hope this helps!


Expert Answered on June 23, 2018.
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