Is the number of members of Club X greater than the number of members of Club Y ?..Why C is the answer ?

Is the number of members of Club X greater than the number of members of Club Y ?

(1) Of the members of Club X, 20 percent are also members of Club Y.

(2) Of the members of Club Y, 30 percent are also members of Club X.

Expert Asked on March 8, 2017 in Data Sufficiency.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Prem,

Let us keep the total members in club X to be ‘x’ and the total members in club Y to be ‘y’. The question here asks us ‘Is x > y’

Statement 1 : The intersection region is 20x/100. Using this we cannot comment if x > y. Insufficient

RE: Is the number of members of Club X greater than the number of members of Club Y ?..Why C is the answer ?

Statement 2 : The intersection region is 30x/100. Insufficient.

RE: Is the number of members of Club X greater than the number of members of Club Y ?..Why C is the answer ?

Combining 1 and 2 : We have 20x/100 = 30y/100 —–> x = 3y/2. Here x is definitely greater than y.  Sufficient.

Also we recommend that you mention how you approached the question and ask specific questions  instead of just posting the question on the forum:)

Expert Answered on March 9, 2017.
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