Why is option ‘C’ wrong in the question ? Why is it that ‘had failed’ is correct as the question does not necessarily indicate two events in the past

In a recent New York Times article about teen violence, researchers at the University of Albany, claiming that since most governmental measures had failed to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools became vulnerable targets.
A) Albany, claiming that since most governmental measures had failed to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools became
 B) Albany, claiming that since most governmental measures had failed to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools had become
C)Albany claimed that since most governmental measures failed to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools have become
D)Albany claimed that since most governmental measures had failed to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools have become
E)Albany have claimed that since most governmental measures fail to control unlicensed gun sales, high schools had becomeI
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2 Answer(s)

“had failed” makes sense if this happened before the newspaper made the “claim”

Expert Answered on May 15, 2017.
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If you look at the sequence of events, 1 – measures failed ; 2 – a claim was made; 3 – high schools are still targets

In the question above, measures failed in the past and before the claim was made. Also, we need to use “present perfect”for the effect on schools since it can be felt even as of now. With this logic, 1 has to be in “past perfect”, 2 in “simple past” and 3 in “present perfect”which is only seen in option (D). 

Hope this makes it clear. 🙂

Beginner Answered on January 29, 2018.
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